A student has developed a technology that can alert users PC when he wrote a harsh word. The technology was given the name "Pepper Mouth."
The idea of making this technology is fairly simple. Cited by the Telegraph, Wednesday (23/06/2010), when the software detects a rant to be posted or just typed by the PC user, then the stench will automatically stop at the user's nose. The stench was coming from computers that are used.
Before the stench out, the computer will also issue a warning alarm in the form of red light which will force the user to omit words that do not deserve it.
This is one way to combat inappropriate use of the word, which often appear in the virtual world, especially social networking. Normally, posting a rant was mostly done by young kids who do not understand the difference between what should be spoken in public or privacy.
"This idea has emerged based on experiences in my life. Once when I was a child, my grandmother always gives pepper (pepper) into my mouth as punishment for the harsh words that I often speak in front of him," said the technology developer, a designer Ozge Kirimlioglu named.
Maybe, according Kirimlioglu, when the stench came after a rough word, Internet users will begin to realize and understand if it will lead to greater consequences.
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