Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Honda CR-Z Awarded degree the Japan Car of The Year 2010-2011

Honda CR-Z earned success Japan Car of The Year (JCOTY) from 2010 to 2011 of the Executive Committee of the Japan Car of The Year. Car Hatchback Hybrid sports was assessed by the jury to give a balance between fuel efficiency of hybrid technology provided with driving pleasure. In addition, the unique design also becomes much more value.

CR-Z successfully set aside nine other candidates, namely Marx X Toyota, Nissan March, Mazda Premacy, Suzuki Swift, Volkswagen Polo, Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5-Series, Peugeot RCZ and Jaguar XJ. JCOTY nominated to the cars that have been sold in Japan in the period from November 1 last year, to 31 October this year. Recipient of 2009-2010 is the Toyota Prius JCOTY.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tips Memilih Mobil Bekas Untuk Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Mobil keluarga tetap menjadi idaman bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Bukan hanya pada mobil baru, penjualan mobil keluarga bekas juga lumayan tinggi.Harganyapun tidak jauh berbeda dengan Mobil yang baru.

Tips Memilih Mobil Bekas yang harus anda perhatikan dan menjadikannya Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia, sebagai berikut;

1. Pilihlah show room atau dealer mobil yang terpercaya dan memberikan garansi kepada pembeli. Bila membeli lewat orang, yakinkan asal usul mobil tersebut.

2. Jangan gampang terbujuk pada penjual yang menawarkan mobil bekas dengan harga sangat murah. Lazimnya mobil bermasalah alias curian, penjual akan menawarkan serendah mungkin agar cepat laku.

3. Jangan begitu saja percaya bila penjual mengatakan Bukti Pemilikan Kendaraan Bermotor (BPKB) yang asli hilang, dan Anda hanya diberi salinan. Karena bisa saja BPKB mobil tersebut bermasalah.

4. Datanglah ke bagian Tata Usaha STNK dan BPKB Kantor Samsat di Polda setempat untuk mengecek apakah mobil yang Anda beli sedang tidak bermasalah atau pernah masuk dalam daftar blokir (mobil hilang). Periksa pula kesesuaian surat-surat dengan nomor mesin, nomor rangka, dan nomor BPKB kendaraan yang hendak dibeli.

5. Mintalah salinan KTP atau identitas penjualnya, catat alamat dan nomor telepon si penjual mobil yang mudah dihubungi. Ini penting bila sewaktu-waktu Anda membutuhkan data untuk mengurus surat-surat kendaraan.

6. Setelah dibeli, segera urus balik nama surat-surat kendaraan Anda.

sumber: vivanews.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Salah satu Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia yang saya sukai adalah Mobil Keluarga berjenis MPV (Multi Purposes Vehicle) masa kini, dengan bentuk bodi yang lebih aerodinamis beserta kenyamanan setaraf dengan sedan mewah. Posisi pengendaraan lebih akurat, letak shift knob terjangkau dan panel instrumen yang lebih user friendly.

Toyota Kijang Innova adalah sebuah MPV buatan Toyota Motor Corporation yang diprduksi di Indonesia oleh Toyota Astra Motor sejak tahun 2003, kelanjutan dari Toyota Kijang dan dipasarkan tahun 2004. Di negara lain, mobil ini hanya disebut Toyota Innova dan kini menjadi sebuah tren Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia.

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia adalah keyword kontes SEO yang diadakan oleh PT Toyota Astra Motor di penghujung tahun 2010 ini yang bertemaToyota SEO Award 2010.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

German men 'voyeur' 150 Women via Webcam

German police have reportedly arrested a man suspected of committing acts of spies using a webcam to 150 women. Men took advantage of security vulnerabilities in ICQ instant messaging application that also can do video chat.

According to police spokesman Aaachen, Germany, a man who is not yet known identititasnya uses trojans that can infect a woman in ICQ account. Through the accounts of the sacrifice, he then found approximately 150 casualties.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Google anxiously in China

After five days of waiting, Google is still awaiting answers from the governments of China associated with the renewal of licenses to operate in the country. "Until Monday morning, we still have not heard from the government of China associated with the renewal of permission to operate Google. We're still waiting," said Google spokeswoman Jessica Powell, as quoted by MIS-Asia, Monday (05/07/2010).

Cewek Virtual, Seksi, Baik & Pengertian

Memiliki kekasih cewek yang cantik, seksi, baik, dan pengertian, jelas jadi impian banyak kaum cowok. Namun tak semua pria mampu mendapatkannya. Di Jepang, keinginan untuk memacari cewek seperti itu banyak disalurkan lewat sebuah game virtual. Game simulasi dengan kekasih virtual termasuk paling laris di Jepang.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Increase Employee Productivity with Feng Shui

Increase Employee Productivity with Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the art of creating peace and harmonious relationship between the universal energy around you. This energy also affects your health and behavior in the office. With feng shui, then negative energy will decrease and increase positive energy. This certainly will bring a positive impact in your life.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kolam Renang Tertinggi dan Terpanjang

Inilah Kolam Renang Tertinggi dan terpanjang.The Sands Skypark menyediakan kolam tak terhingga sepanjang 150 meter dengan pemandangan cakrawala kota Singapura dan marina Bay.The Infinity Pool dari Skypark yang bertengger di puncak menara marina Bay Sands hotel di Singapura.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Liu Kang will Disappear in the 'New Mortal Kombat'?

Magnate classics such as Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero, Raiden, Scorpion, Kung Lao, Mileena, Night Wolf, Sector, Johnny Cage will certainly still be present in the latest New Mortal Kombat game will be released in 2011.

Google Streetview Mysterious Men Recorded

A mysterious man became very popular because of Google Streetview recorded using a horse mask. The identity of the mysterious man is now a warm speech on the internet.

Bangunan Ramping di Jepang

Anda mungkin pernah melihat salah satu: bangunan ramping dengan aneh diapit dua yang bangunan besar; memeluk tajam, menunjuk struktur setiap sudut ruang yang tersedia. Bahkan Apartemen di mana (kita menganggap) penyewa tidak diperbolehkan terlalu gemuk bukan merupakan pemandangan biasa. Berikut Bangunan Terramping di Jepang.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arsitektur Unik - Kantor Vodafone

Desain ini dimaksudkan untuk mencerminkan frase atau slogan yang mendefinisikan merek Vodafone "Vodafone Life, life in motion" atau lebih tepatnya filosofi merek. Dalam mendesain bangunan kantor eksentrik, Barbosa & Arsitek Guimarães mencari inspirasi dalam lukisan, patung, fotografi dan seni pada umumnya yang sudah menghadapi dilema ini. Daripada dirancang dengan garis lurus dan teratur seperti desain bangunan umum, bangunan kantor menakjubkan adalah pilihan untuk menunjukkan tubuh monolitik, tidak seimbang dan sungai dengan banyak wajah yang mengekspresikan gerakan. Kantor Vodafone ini modern dan unik terletak di Oporto, Portugal.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Game Online 3 Kingdoms

Kingdoms is the third online game online game strategy that tells the story of the battle between the three great kingdoms in China. This game is a game focused on mass war to fight for the city and empire.

The Story of dissension among the three kingdoms seem to successfully arouse the curiosity of gamers to play it immediately. Even when it was launched, the game is directly invaded tens of thousands of players.

With the emergence of online gaming 3 Kingdoms welcomed by gamers in the country. How not? New also was released, the game has been crammed by the tens of thousands of players. Within a week, the number of registered players there are around 15 thousand.

Seeing the enthusiastic people that are so big, PT Wave Wahana Game is the publisher of three Kingdoms in Indonesia also pledged to increase its server capacity.

In the future we must have the number of servers will be added, hopefully in early July will be all ready, "added the man who is familiarly called Sony this.

Google More Trusted than Facebook

The researchers in America discovered a new fact that mention, this time more people believe in the top technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple rather than social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.

The survey, conducted by Zogby International says 49 percent of 2100 adults who were interviewed strongly believed three top technology companies such. While Facebook is only trusted by 13 percent of the people, and Twitter as much as 8 percent.

Chief Executive by Zogby International, John Zogby, Google, Apple and Microsoft is far more experienced in packaging brand name, rather than Facebook and Twitter are not yet a company's identity.

Nevertheless, both companies have rated higher than traditional media, this study concludes one in five young adults, aged between 18 and 29, have a higher confidence level to Facebook. While 15 percent of young people say they believe in Twitter.

Meanwhile, traditional media receive little sympathy from the public with only eight percent of all adults and six percent of young adults say they trust the traditional media.

Game Final Fantasy XIV

Microsoft's Xbox game console owners should be prepared to bite the fingers 360, the article XIV of the Final Fantasy games would not support the console. Square Enix, the game developers as it insists that only brings it to the PC and the Sony PlayStation version of the PS3.

Producer of Final Fantasy XIV, Hiromichi Tanaka was quoted as Softpedia, Wednesday (22/06/2010) states, currently his team is designing a version for Windows and PS3, the PS3 version will operate at 720p (pixels) to ensure the best image quality, while for PC can achieve 1080p.

Recognized Tanaka, Final Fantasy XIV which is a game MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) will be out this year. Because, Square Enix hopes to restore the reputation of the games previously rated game was not too successful.

Final Fantasy XIV will take a background in Eorzea, an area called Hydaelyn. The threat of invasion has caused all the royal troops in the area of recruiting and preparing for war. Since the invasion itself was not the case, then all the soldiers and mercenaries suddenly out of work, need to unite and continue the adventure for a living. Players will play one of these adventurers, who must use all her resources to survive and thrive in the game world.

This game is a game that has long been known, since its first appearance in 1987, Final Fantasy has sold over 85 million copies worldwide.

Detection of Harsh Words on the PC With the Smell

A student has developed a technology that can alert users PC when he wrote a harsh word. The technology was given the name "Pepper Mouth."

The idea of making this technology is fairly simple. Cited by the Telegraph, Wednesday (23/06/2010), when the software detects a rant to be posted or just typed by the PC user, then the stench will automatically stop at the user's nose. The stench was coming from computers that are used.

Before the stench out, the computer will also issue a warning alarm in the form of red light which will force the user to omit words that do not deserve it.

This is one way to combat inappropriate use of the word, which often appear in the virtual world, especially social networking. Normally, posting a rant was mostly done by young kids who do not understand the difference between what should be spoken in public or privacy.

"This idea has emerged based on experiences in my life. Once when I was a child, my grandmother always gives pepper (pepper) into my mouth as punishment for the harsh words that I often speak in front of him," said the technology developer, a designer Ozge Kirimlioglu named.

Maybe, according Kirimlioglu, when the stench came after a rough word, Internet users will begin to realize and understand if it will lead to greater consequences.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Indonesia's position for Google

Google behalf of course, already familiar to internet users in Indonesia. With its search engine, Google is very familiar. Not only in our country but also worldwide.

Of the many countries that use the various Google services, Indonesia is of course not be underestimated for a company is based in California. It was further emphasized by Andrew McGlinchey, Head of Product Management, Google Southeast Asia.

"Internet users in Indonesia have an important role for Google. Growth, especially search engines, from year to year has increased very rapidly," he said on the sidelines of the launch of Google Chrome version of Indonesia, at the Clove Cafe, Jakarta, Tuesday (22 / 6 / 2010).

Although stressing the importance of Indonesia, unfortunately Andrew was reluctant to give details about the number of Google users in the homeland. However, he saw, Indonesia did not fail with the countries in the Asia Pacific.

"Internet users in Indonesia have an important role for Google. Growth, especially search engines, from year to year has increased very rapidly," he said on the sidelines of the launch of Google Chrome version of Indonesia, at the Clove Cafe, Jakarta, Tuesday (22 / 6 / 2010).

Although stressing the importance of Indonesia, unfortunately Andrew was reluctant to give details about the number of Google users in the homeland. However, he saw, Indonesia did not fail with the countries in the Asia Pacific.

However, Derek insists that Google does not necessarily come to Indonesia just merely looking for profit only. But more than that, the article Google wants to provide a new experience to users of Indonesia in particular.

"Intensifying the service with a local flavor is proof that Google wants to go with products that provide a different experience for its users," said Derek.

admin blog : I hope that google adsense can support content Indonesian.

source: http://techno.okezone.com/read/2010/06/22/55/345516/posisi-indonesia-bagi-google

Friday, June 18, 2010

Minimalist Houses Beautify

Minimalist home in great demand by society that completely practical right now. The accompanying problem then is how to choose furniture and accessories to match. The first thing that must be kept in mind is to maintain a practical and functional elements as a key base in a minimalist house dress.

Proper material selection can thicken the minimalist concept to be presented. Eg glass furniture combined with aluminum or wrought iron furniture including species that are widely used. In addition to the simple form, any maintenance relatively easy.

Curtains were able to support the impression you want to display indoors. With blinds roman type, eg a mild nature also can give the impression of dynamic in a minimalist room.

Design with strict precision also characterizes the architecture and minimalist furniture. Therefore, select a table or chair that has a simple design, little or no ornament. With minimal ornament, we can simplify maintenance and more spacious rooms terksesan making it suitable when applied to a small minimalist home.

Minimalism can also be combined with materials or furniture of color - the color of the wood like a dark brown or reddish brown.

Design Interior Living Room

The living room was created for guests who visit. Although the visitors only come around while at home, interior architecture presented in this space can not be arbitrary.

The reason is although small, reflects the overall living room of your home. Architectural space in the front position is frequently visited, especially neighbors who frequently visit. In addition, interior architecture or appearance of the living room from the guests bring their own assessment against the owner of the house. Therefore, the living room should be able to give a sense of comfort with a beautiful view.

Architectural space and interior room is usually reflecting individual occupants. Though looks simple, arrangement should be adjusted with furniture and beautiful architectural styles bersangkutan.The impression the house is not only focused on the sofa or table. Beautiful impression can also be displayed on the wall with wallpaper paste on one field.

Field should be used as wallpaper is a wish from the architectural point of interest, your room. Wallpaper used for decoration on the wall is better dark. To become the center of attention, the dark color will give a stronger impression.

However, for color selection for interior architecture, you do not need to be confused and become fixated on one color. Choose the color according to mood you wish to view. If you want to display an intimate living room atmosphere, muted or pastel colors such as brown color could be chosen.

However, the selection of pastel colors need not be shown to all the ornaments or furniture because it would be boring. Some pastel colors alone can represent the image of atmosphere you want represented.

Meanwhile, for the placement of furniture, should be adjusted to the concept or the desired style guest rooms. If the architecture style minimalist house, the furniture used is simple. Meanwhile, the traditional architectural style house, a chair-shaped carvings could be the right choice to fill the living room.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 Most Beautiful Bridges in the World

The bridge is one of the most important land transportation facilities other than the tunnel, not prominently be built, but in the world there just striking the bridge was built, what are they? Here's the list:

10. Water Bridge Magdeburg (Germany)

Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany at the Elbe River, and built as part of the German reunification project. Throughout the first km, bridges worth € 500,000,000 of water allows ships to avoid the river carries a solid long canal along the Elbe. Frequent shipments were blocking the bridge when the river water mark was in the lowest level.

9. Ponte Vecchio (Italy)

Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of famous tourist attractions in Italy, and is considered the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe, although many of the older sections. Actually built from wood until it was destroyed by floods in 1333, and twelve years later the bridge was rebuilt using stone. Famous for its many shops, the bridge is laying off everyone starts traders and butchers of the Middle Ages until the gift shop and art sellers.

8. Tower Bridge (United Kingdom)

Completed in 1894 by Wolfe Barry and Horace Jones. Tower Bridge (named after two prominent towers as tall as 141 feet and the Tower of London on him) is one of the famous land marks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world. This 800 foot long bridge has a space 28 feet when closed but opens in the center until it reaches 140 feet which allows ships to sail on the Thames. In the days when goods moved by sea rather than air bridge was raised about 50 times each day. Tower Bridge using the 432 workers who built it for eight years. At that time they sank 70,000 tons of concrete into the two large piers, placing second supporting structure into place, each of which weighs 1000 tons and decorate the whole bridge with Portland stone and Cornish granite to cover 11 000 tonnes of steel beneath.

7. Wind and Rain Bridge (China)

Wind and Rain Bridge is the architectural symbol of Dong minority peoples. Wind and Rain Bridhe in Diping is the largest of its kind in the province of Guizhou, where the largest Chinese community settled Dong. This bridge along the first 50 meters and was built in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty 100 years ago. However, the original structure burned in a huge fire in 1959 and a visitor sees today are making repeated that we completed in 1964.

Is a pure wooden architecture that consists of a pillar, baluster purlin and in various sizes and shapes. Body bridge is divided into three sections, the largest in the middle of the traditional Chinese drum-shaped tower. Eave bridge pilasters and decorated with flowers and sculpture and the bridge is very unique.

6. Bridge Oliveira (Brazil)

Octavio Frias de Oliveira bridge over the River Pinheiros in São Paulo, Brazil opened in May 2008. As high as 138 meters (450 feet) and connects with the Marginal Pinheiros Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Unique design with two crossed curved deck with one another through the tower-shaped cantilever X.

5. Rolling Bridge (United Kingdom)

Designed by Heatherwick Studio, an award-winning Rolling Bridge is located in Paddington Basin, London. Rather than using conventional open the bridge mechanism, consisting of a single rigid element that up to allow boats pass, the Rolling Bridge rolled himself up to the two ends meet. When in a horizontal position, the bridge is a pedestrian bridge to normal iron and wood; fully open, the bridge is forming a circle on one side that is different from the straight position.

Twelve yards long, this bridge was made by eight pieces of iron and wood, and made the curve by a hydraulic press mounted on the handrail of each section.

4. Hangzhou Bay Bridge (China)

Crossing the Hangzhou Bay bridge stood the world's longest cross-sea, with a length 35.673 kilometers (22 miles) with a six-lane highway in both directions. This bridge was built to address traffic congestion in the area of emerging, cutting travel time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four hours to 2.5 hours.

The bridge was undergoing a lot of learning a few decades earlier before it was approved in 2003, and finally opened on May 1, 2008. Total investment for the bridge is worth RMB 11.8 million (approximately U.S. $ 1.4 billion).

3. Henderson Waves (Singapore)

At the height of 36 meters or 12 levels of road surface, this bridge is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. Along the 300-meter bridge connects the parks at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.

2. Millau Viaduct (France)

As high as 1125 feet above the Tarn Valley in southern France, across the Millau Viaduct could be said like flying. Foster & Partners's work is slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower, take three years for general construction and opened in 2004. In addition to providing views of the valley below, when clouds are formed under the bridge, the Millau route is not for people who are afraid of heights! Millau Bridge has a total length of 8071 feet with the longest single span of 1122 feet and a maximum of clarity at the bottom was 886 feet, so the bridge is very beautiful in its original form or miniaturized form. Bridge deck is supported by seven Pilon and weighs 36,000 tons. Seven towers, each 292 feet tall and weighing 700 tons, fitted to the cantilever Pilon.

1. Banpo Bridge (South Korea)

September 9, 2008, Banpo Bridge in Seoul (South Korea) undergoing a massive facelift surgery: a fountain 10 000 hose that runs on both sides. Once installed, the bridge became a major tourist attraction when the bridge was fired 190 tons of water per minute to use river water beneath.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Green for Residential Architecture

The concept of eco-friendly homes with the concept of nature or natural home. Use of materials such as wood or bamboo material can become very thick.

To build environmentally friendly houses can be started from the roof. You can use the sun roof and hence reducing power consumption.

You can use solar panels on the roof of the house using a technology called triple-junction thin film amorphous silicon. This solar cell is formed such as roof tiles and roof tiles may be installed in general, then paired to power your home.

Environmentally friendly material that has some reservations. The first requirement is that the material was not toxic, both before and after use. Furthermore, one can connect us with nature. That is, you can get closer to nature because of the natural impression of the material stuff. For example bricks will remind you of the land, timber, and trees. In addition, raw materials can easily decompose naturally.

Material entering the above criteria include bricks, cement, natural stone, local ceramics, wood, and so forth.

Floor material selection, for example. You can choose materials that can be recycled. Bamboo flooring can also be environmentally friendly. Or if you want to use wood, oak is very strong and durable.

If you want to coat the floor with carpet, now there are carpets that use materials that can be recycled. For any furniture you can choose environmentally friendly. Like for example you want to buy a wooden chair.

Make sure you buy the company that conducts cutting-planting again. You can do a search on the internet before deciding to buy something.

The kitchen is the most active space is the place most in need of attention when you want to design a home with environmentally friendly concepts.

Place all herbs in a pot in one corner of your kitchen. So the impression naturalnya more pronounced. For the bedroom, as a replacement air conditioner or air conditioning, you can install a large window that will provide air circulation in the room.

Do not forget the additional ventilation holes on top of that window. The same thing applies in the living room and other rooms in your home. That way, you can be more energy efficient.

If you really want to use the concept of environmentally friendly residential, real easy. You do not need new stuff. You can use the old stuff and modify it yourself.

Expand Home With Neutral Color Effects

Most people choose a neutral color as the color that covered the walls of his house. Want to know the reason behind all this?

Neutral colors like gray, white, beige and chocolate is the safest color applied to the walls of the house. Neutral colors are also not going out of fashion trends.

Unfortunately, neutral color that applied in the walls often create the impression of innocence. Many experts recommend the addition of another color in one side of the wall in a room to make it look more colorful without the impression of 'scene'.

In order to impress the home becomes more broadly, to apply black light illusion. Colors are best used to fill the minor side is black. Black is best used in small quantities to provide a neutral accent and make the color becomes more dominant.

Different case if you want to make the room look higher. Use the lighter color on your ceiling. For example, if you paint the walls with a cream color, the Color ceiling in white.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Houses Unique With Natural Ingredients

The houses are unique and cheap that do not require much cost, but it takes time for its production. These houses have been built long before anyone thought to make a friendly home environment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unique Apartments in Japan

This beautiful nature inspired apartment building, designed by EASTERN Design Office, is located in Kyoto, Japan. The outside of the Villa Saitan building is covered with leaf shaped holes that let in light and add character to the structure.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Unique homes, Kettle House in Texas

Houses may be the safest and best place for people who live in it. After all its forms, the home has comfort and peace. There are many different types of homes with diverse architecture found throughout the world. The presence of houses with modern architecture, classical, minimalist, unique worldwide daakuno certainly adjusted to the taste of its inhabitants.

However, sufficient cause our question is the existence of houses with extreme style of architecture. Hard to believe when the people who live in houses extremes may think about the comfort and peace. Noted there are 10 houses in the world that its architecture is very extreme, there are thousands of other houses in the world of architecture rather extreme.

Kettle House Call it home in Texas, United States, which not only looks like a kettle but it also can function properly.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Clean and Simple Design for House

Although the client wanted a contemporary, clean and simple design for their house, they also wanted something that would be unusual. The included having a guestroom at the ground floor and a lap pool.

The open kitchen, living, and dining areas are arranged in a single row so that the ground level layout has a compact and countiuous space, allowing a view of the pool at the back of the house. The upper floor plan is simple and reflects the mass of the house. The service area is located on the mezzinine level above the garage.

The facade is a mass block composition, a modern statement that makes the house stand out, while the use of neutral colours gives the structure a sense of consistency with the surroundings. The small angled roof at the top breaks the pontentially monotonous block look, while the white facade and glass windows reinforce the light and sleek feel.

The large glass windows let daylight into almost all rooms. The thin mass block facilitates cross-ventilation, and the house has a well for water catchment and grey water recycling for washing cars and watering plants.

The architect persuaded the client to use simple and environmetally friendly materials such as aluminium frames and ceramic and homegeneoues tiles.